Election Commission Of India Has Launched National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Programme on 3rd March,2015,with the prime objective of bringing a total error free,and authenticated electoral roll.
Main Activities to be done during this programme-
- Linking of EPIC with Adhaar data
- Voluntary disclosure of Multiple entries in roll
- Corrections in Roll/EPIC
- Improvement of Image quality of an Elector
- Facility to update Adhaar number and EPIC through--
2) SMS
3) E-Mail
4) Mobile Application
5) By making a call at "1950" top state call centres
6) By submitting the details of Aadhar Number and EPIC number in a hard copy of duly filled up form along with photocopy of both the documents-EPIC,Aadhar.
- Collection/feeding of Aadhar will also be done by ERO in following ways-
2) Through Camp,Voter facilitation centres,E-seva centres, Citizen Service Centres
- Nation-wide special camps by ERO on 12.04.2015
- Voluntarily Disclosure-Enrollment at more than one place : on the basis of false declaration is punishable offence under the provision of Section 31 of the Representation of the People Act,1950.The electors with multiple registration in Rolls are requested to come forward and are advised to fill form 7 for deletion of their names from plzaces except where they ordinarily reside.